Summer Week 8 - Message from the Junior Headmaster
Dear Parents,
After another incredibly busy and successful week, I was thrilled to host a zoom assembly for the whole Junior School, this morning. We had over 100 children logged in and I am not sure I have ever seen so many smiling faces, so delighted to see one another. The effect of seeing friends has never been so powerful over the past two weeks in school for Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 and that was displayed even more today, as we came together for the first time as a whole School. There is a true sense of belonging and I have never been prouder to be Head of Rossall Junior School than I was today.
Children need to be in school and that is why, after careful planning and consideration, I am delighted to announce that we will reopen to all remaining year groups, starting with a familiarisation session on Monday. I know that there will be some who, for a variety of reasons, will not be able to return at present, but that is why we will continue to offer our outstanding remote learning program until the end of the summer term.
A busy few weeks lie ahead, as we prepare for transition across year groups and the closing of chapters, especially for Year 6, but I am absolutely positive that to have many of the children back, that this process will be made all the more real rather than virtual.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mr Turner
Headmaster of Rossall Junior School