Rossall results buck national trend for A Levels
27 percent of pupils gained grades A* - A in their exams, up 4 percent on last year's results, and a percentage point higher than the UK average. The school also secured a 100 percent pass rate in a number of key subjects including English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Information Technology. Elaine Purves, Head at Rossall said: “We are delighted Rossall's students have gained such outstanding results. It's a fantastic success for the school, especially following on from the strong performance of our pupils who studied for the International Baccalaureate and earned scores well above the world average. The results overall are excellent and reflect the hard work and commitment of students and staff. We are exceptionally proud of their achievement and wish them all every success for the future." The results mean many Rossall students have secured their first choice university places, and will be taking up studies at institutions including Oxford, Bristol, York and Lancaster. Ellie McFadden, who was awarded A* in Information Technology, A in Economics and B in Maths said: "It's been a long wait, and I didn't get much sleep last night, so it's a huge relief to finally get my results! The last two years have been a lot of hard work, but the support I've had from my teachers has been a massive help." Ellie, who lives in St Annes, will now take up a place at Loughborough University to study Economics, and aims to pursue a career as a Forensic Economist. Dylan Jordan, from Blackpool, plans to study at Lancaster University after gaining 3 As. Dylan, who earned top grades in Maths, Chemistry and Economics, said: "I'm very happy with my results. Studying for my A Levels at Rossall has been really enjoyable. The help I've received from my teachers has been fantastic - it's been really nice to have so much support and guidance to get me through my exams." School captains Georgina Maycock and Dan Robson have secured places at York University and Royal Holloway respectively. Whilst Georgina plans to study Politics and International Relations, keen cricketer Dan is taking a gap year. "I had been hoping to take up an offer to play for Sunshine Cricket Club in Melbourne during my year out," said Dan, who plays for Lancashire Under 19s. "But I've been injured, so it's all been put on hold. I'll still be involved in cricket, helping out with coaching at Ackworth School in Yorkshire, and will go on to study Petroleum Geology at Royal Holloway." "I've been at Rossall since I was in Year 9, and the help and encouragement the staff have given me during my time here has been outstanding. It's a really supportive environment to learn in and I can't thank them enough."