Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep School Newsletter - Summer Term 2021 - Week 11

This week's newsletter for Rossall Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep School.


The penultimate week has been action-packed and full of entertainment; the Year 6 children have enjoyed a number of activities that a matter of weeks ago didn’t seem possible. Sports Day, a beach party and transition day are only a few of the events that have occurred this week. As much fun as all these experiences have been, the most fulfilling has definitely been our preparation for the recording of our video Final Assembly! There has been so much creativity, collaboration and cooperation on display, we have been so very proud of the children. If these moments have created excitement, then the upcoming Year 6 Garden Party is really going to cause a stir. We don’t want to say too much, but a little sliding royalty and a visit to the colosseum will be the order of the day! We can’t wait to see the children tomorrow!


The penultimate Year 5 newsletter, how the year has flown!

What a week we have had, sports day, beach party,  transition day and yes, we have even done some work! Our book, ‘The Hunter’ is keeping us right on the edge of our seats… will Jamina and the baby elephant find the safety of their family and herd or will the dastardly hunters have another part to play? We have finished our Unit about parallel and perpendicular lines in Mathematics and have moved onto our new Unit. 

The children are enjoying researching the ancient Kings of Benin and have produced some super posters all about them. 

The highlights of the week have got to be our Sports Day and Beach Party. We had such a lot of fun at both events and it was lovely to see some of the parents at Sports Day. The children competed brilliantly but showed amazing sportsmanship and support towards each other, I could not have been prouder!

So, all in all, an awesome week, and England even won their football match!

I am looking forward to a fabulous last week with this very special group of children


What a week we’ve had! I am writing this newsletter tired but happy after spending two extra special days with Year 4.

What an afternoon we had at Sports Day. It was lovely to see the competition but also the camaraderie and encouragement between the children. Well done to the Year 4 children who came away with a medal or were members of the winning house but a massive well done to all of you for the wonderful spirit in which you competed.

And then there was the Beach Party - what a fun day that was. It was lovely to see the children digging in the sand, playing games with their friends, searching for pebbles and shells to make pictures in the sand - all simple things but such fun.

I have a beautifully decorated pebble that all the children have signed - what a lovely souvenir of a great day and brilliant class. And the fun doesn’t stop there - we are now looking forward to our trip to Stoller next week!


It is so hard to believe this was our second last week in Year 3, and what a fun-filled week it has been!

In English, we have reached the end of Zeraffa Giraffa and have researched the beautiful Jardin Des Plantes in Paris.

In Maths, we have learnt about capacity and measuring in litres and millilitres.

In Topic, we've learnt about hieroglyphs and the writing that the Ancient Egyptians used.

In Science, we learnt about how shadows are made when an opaque object blocks light. We made our own sundials, an activity that combined our Science learning about light and shadow, our previous Maths learning about Time and our learning about Ancient Civilisations who used sundials to tell the time!

Year 3 loved Sports Day on Wednesday and it was fantastic to have parents there to share in the brilliant sports together; the children all did amazingly!

The Beach Party was also lots of fun and a great celebration for the end of the year. To top off the week, we had our Transition up to see what Year 4 is going to be like. All very exciting. I cannot believe we are into the final week as Year 3 now! 


This week has been all about the beach! We have painted pictures of the beach, done Topic work on the beach and even had a party on the beach.

In our Topic work, we visited the beach to identify the human and physical features of Rossall beach. We looked carefully to spot the features and drew pictures of our favourites. We all enjoyed the beach party on Thursday – we had a sandcastle competition, did the limbo and enjoyed pebble painting.

In Science, we checked how our beans are growing and made thoughtful predictions about what they will look like next week.

In Maths, we have continued to learn about time and have been practising counting in 5s around the clock to work out and compare durations of time. 


This week we have been thinking about bossy verbs and writing instructions. Hoctopize, the alien from our story, came to visit us, but he had really stinky breath, so we had to write instructions to help him learn how to brush his teeth. The children also had to help me make my breakfast, a jam sandwich, but all the instructions were in a muddle. The class helped to sort the instructions and tell me what I had to do. I had forgotten how good jam sandwiches were! As we couldn’t get to the Rossall Kitchen as planned, we used our own kitchens instead to follow recipes to bake cakes, cookies, pizza and more. It’s just a shame we didn’t get to try them all!

In Topic we ordered the planets and found out some facts about them. We also created our very own space vehicles. We had moon buggies, rockets and flying saucers. It’s amazing what you can do with some cardboard boxes and paper plates!

In Maths we have continued learning about time and have been writing and comparing time and solving word and picture problems involving time.

We were glad that we were back in school for transition day and we are looking forward to our last, but very busy week in Year 1.


Gardening is a great activity to get children outdoors and connecting with nature. Gardening engages their senses, and gives children another way to play and have fun! Growing their own fruit and vegetables is the ideal gardening activity, and a fun way to get started on helping children make healthy eating choices.

Planning activities for the children and getting them to eat enough fruit and vegetables can be tricky. So, we’ve come up with fun solutions to inspire healthy eating choices in Reception. After last weekends fun challenge to make some natural food colouring using fruit or vegetables, the children have enjoyed painting with the variety of colours they made at home and our paintings smelt delicious! 

This week we have planted a variety of vegetables in our garden, learning in the process how we need to look after our plants to ensure they grow big and strong. Hopefully teaching the children a valuable life skill, getting them outdoors and encouraging healthy eating. If children know where their food comes from and have had a hand in growing it, they’ll be more excited about eating it. 

We have also started reward charts for a fun way to incentivise the children to make healthier food choices and get picky eaters to try new fruit and veg. The children have chosen their rewards and it is lovely to see how the children are trying new vegetables at dinner and even choosing fruit as a dessert at school. I have also heard some children are encouraging their parents to give them more fruit and vegetables for snacks so they can fill their charts quicker!


Come On England……….

What a result on Tuesday night and I would like to say that it was down to our chanting during the day that helped them win the match.

The babies enjoyed their Teddy Bears picnic in the garden dressed in their football tops. They sang some songs and enjoyed playing Peek a Boo with the England Flag, hiding underneath it and behind it and learning to laugh. They also enjoyed the food.

The nice weather has allowed the babies to spend a lot of time outside on walks, walking on their own on the large school field and enjoy the sensory trays outside so they can make whatever mess they want.

Preschool took their competitiveness out to the pitch where they were split into two teams. England and Germany. It started with a very serious process of warming up, doing lunges and stretches to get them game ready. The coaches stood proud next to their teams ready for kick-off.

The whistle blew and the match began. I’m not sure if they understood the concept of scoring in the opponent’s net but they had a great time. Goals were scored, chants were shouted out, foul play happened, and plenty of offside passes made but it was all about the learning process without them knowing.

They learnt to take turns, passing the ball to each other as good as Grealish and Kane. They learnt about the effects of exercise on their bodies like Stirling after all his running during the match. They learnt about empathy for others like the German team supporting Muller in his near-miss but most of all they learnt to have fun as all the English fans did.


RECEPTION - This week's certificate of achievement goes to Josephine and Darius.

Josephine is thoroughly enjoying our class book and has written a fantastic speech bubble for one of the characters who was in distress.

Each week we complete a listen and do activity. We are now following four-step instructions which are very tricky. Darius was the only one to get this week's all correct with no mistakes!

YEAR 1 - Larry for improved independence in your work and a super spacecraft, and Wyatt for excellent effort in your work and a fantastic flying saucer.

YEAR 2 - This week's certificates are awarded to Jude and Archie - for fantastic teamwork when completing beach activities.

YEAR 3 - This week's certificates go to two children who have shown great effort this week. First to Archie for upping his game and trying his very best in everything this week, and to Caitlin who is always motivated and tries hard in everything she does. 

YEAR 4 - This week's certificates are awarded to Kieran and Jack for a fantastic explanation text of how to make a snowstorm!

YEAR 5 - This week's certificates are awarded to Charlotte and Ava for having a fabulously positive attitude.

YEAR 6 - This week's certificates are awarded to Archie S, Buster B, Joe F and Ollie T positivity in all apsects of school life.






Rossall School News - Summer 2021 Week 10


Nursery, Pre-Prep and Prep School Newsletter - Summer Term 2021 - Week 10