Hugh Ballantyne

Hugh Ballantyne (SE 84-89) is an Emmy Award-nominated producer and director. His programmes have been aired on many channels including ITV, History, National Geographic, Discovery, SKY 1, CH7 (Australia) and CNN. Whilst making films for a number of international production companies, Hugh has travelled all over the world including Morocco, Israel, South Africa, China, Borneo, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Canada, Australia, US, and across Europe. Hugh's stories include history, science, religion, survival, travel, arts and culture. He has directed actors, presenters and the public to create character driven specialist factual television and well-crafted drama documentaries. Hugh graduated from the Sydney Film School in 2003. Previously, he worked as an Architect, achieving his chartered qualifications in 1997.


Wyre and Fylde Champions


Derek Colclough Walker-Smith